Detroit: Become Human

My opinion on the genre - Detroit: Become Human is an interactive, cinematic story-based game. It relies more on storytelling to carry the game rather than actually gameplay, which mostly boils down to pressing buttons in a specific order. Detroit’s real appeal comes from making decisions that will impact the story. The multiple endings give the game a lot of incentive to play the game multiple times. Personally, while I think this is a very good game, the genre is not for me. The games I play are all carried by either their gameplay or characters. Games with fun combat or puzzles are the most fun for me, or at least ones with entertaining characters. Detroit has a fun concept, but none of the characters are particularly fun or interesting. Detroit executes it’s concept very well, but the general premise just isn’t for me. I’d much rather play a game that focuses on deep combat or forces me to think.

How I felt about sharing decisions with my classmates - Frankly, sharing the hot seat with my friends made the experience much more enjoyable. It brought a fun new twist on playing solo by allowing me to see new story paths. It also let me gain new insight into seeing what my classmates preferred doing in comparison to my own curiosities. Also, the comedy of twenty kids screaming over each other to pick different choices was just hilarious. All in all, having a second party to vote on decisions aside from myself made the experience much more enjoyable.

Is this a good game? - Over all, I think that Detroit: Become Human is a good game, but it is good for the wrong reasons. The graphics are incredible and the choices you make have giant impacts on the story are very significant. However, when it comes to writing and characters, the most important part of a story-based experience, Detroit: Become Human really falls flat. The story is an obvious, and extremely forced allegory for civil rights, with androids taking the place of African Americans. The story is very predictable, and the only likeable character really being Conner, who is funny, contrasting from the extremely serious cast around him.


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