Truman Show Review

Oh my god, where do I start? The Truman Show is a satire comedy science-fiction starring Jim Carey. The film follows Truman Burbank, man who's entire life has been recorded and lives inside a giant dome where his life is broadcast to the whole world like a TV show. It's a creative concept for sure. and it's executed incredibly well by the acting, camera work and writing.
Image result for Truman show
I love The Truman Show. It's a classic and I find it hard to even critique the film. It's full of references to media and the bible. It's just...I don't know. The movie is GOOD. That's a fact. It's funny, full of references and has a lot of things to be discussed. One of the things I really liked was the religous references, like Truman walking on water like Jesus and Christoff being compared to god. Anyway, fantastic film. Would watch again.


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